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Minding your mental health

When life feels chaotic or overwhelming, it can be easy to get stuck in a cycle of stress and worry. But there are things you can do to cope with worry and find some calm. Here are some tips. 

Acknowledge your feelings. 

Try to recognize what you’re feeling when you’re feeling it, without judging it as “good” or “bad.” It might help to write down how you’re feeling and why. 

Pay attention to your mindset

The way you think about things really does affect the way you feel. If you tell yourself that something is too hard or too stressful, it’s going to feel that way. But if you tell yourself you can handle something hard, you’re more likely to be able to. 

Focus more on what you can control and less on what you can’t.  

  • Make a list of the things that cause you stress. Then decide which things on the list you can take action on and which ones you can’t. This can remind you what’s in your control and what isn’t. 
  • Look for sources of stress that you can limit. Then take steps to limit them. That might mean turning off the news, staying away from social media, or even having less contact with certain people. 
  • Choose to spend time on things that are meaningful to you. For example, you could do projects with your kids, foster an animal, write postcards to friends, or do random acts of kindness for your neighbors. Do things that make you feel good or bring you joy. 
  • Find ways to keep your mind off your worries and fears. It could be a project, a hobby, or even making an effort to call a friend once a week. Whatever you decide, choose things that are in line with your values.  
  • Keep up with healthy habits. Your physical health is an important part of your mental health. Avoid using tobacco, alcohol or other drugs to try to manage stress. Get plenty of rest and physical activity. 

If you find that stress and anxiety are making it hard to manage daily life, talk to your health care provider.  

Feeling down? Anxious thoughts? Relationship issues?

Your mental health is important. That’s why John Deere offers LiveandWorkWell, your Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

By Healthwise Staff 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration: Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health. Accessed March 18, 2020. 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coping with stress. Accessed: July 15, 2022.  
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mental health habits. Accessed: July 15, 2022. 
National Institute of Health. Stress. Accessed: March 18, 2020.