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Learn how to shift your thinking patterns to reduce stress and anxiety

When you’re going through something stressful or feeling anxious, negative thoughts can make difficult situations and feelings even harder. That’s because how we think affects how we feel, and how we feel affects how we behave. While we generally cannot …

Easy ways to reduce holiday stress

Holidays are a well-known cause for stress for Americans. But experts say there are ways to minimize that stress and the harmful effects it can have on you — and on your health.  Have a game plan.  Prioritize what’s important …

Colorectal cancer screening now recommended at age 45

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S.“Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the U.S., but it can often be prevented — in fact, the overall rate of new cases has been dropping by about 1% …

Hip pain? Here’s what might be causing it.

Hip pain is a symptom that may cause you to slow your activity level. There are many different causes of hip pain. Acute pain may be caused by a hip injury, such as a muscle or tendon strain, or bursitis. …

Physical Fitness for the Family

Healthy ideas for kids and adults to get fit together. As a parent, you are the best role model for your child. Kids often mimic what they see. And they’re fast learners. So, if you’re active, you’ll inspire your kids …

Special Needs Initiative marks 5 years of helping families with complex health care

About 1 in 5 children in the U.S. has a special health care need. Support for them is often more complex and can create paperwork that requires extra time and energy — something these parents often lack. Meet the Brennan’s For …

7 health tips for men

Want to make every year count — and even beat the odds? Here are seven steps that can help you live a full and active life for many years to come.  Get moving. Just over half of adult men meet the …

Minding your mental health

When life feels chaotic or overwhelming, it can be easy to get stuck in a cycle of stress and worry. But there are things you can do to cope with worry and find some calm. Here are some tips.  Acknowledge …

How our furry friends benefit our health

Coming home to your beloved pet at the end of the day may do more than just make you feel loved. It may actually be good for your health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pets may …

Get a Boost by Eating Breakfast

Learn how skipping breakfast regularly may cause you to miss out on some big health benefits. Benefits of breakfast Eating a breakfast full of nutrients is a great way to jump-start your day — and it can help provide the …

10 Great Reasons to Quit Smoking

We all know that using tobacco is bad for one’s health. This is true if you smoke cigarettes, e-cigarettes (“vaping”), or smokeless tobacco-like chew or dip. If you don’t use tobacco, don’t start. But if you do, you may need a …

Smoking: Tips for choosing your quit date

You’ve decided to stop smoking, so it’s time to figure out when to have that last cigarette. Here are tips for choosing your quit date. How to choose your quit date Choose a quit date within the next two weeks. You …

6 tips to feel less isolated

Many people think of our world as hyperconnected. There’s stimulus coming from everywhere: social media, TV, email, you name it.  But whether you’re busy or have a lot of time on your hands, it’s very common to feel socially isolated …

How to cut back on salt for a healthy heart

Americans regularly consume too much sodium (salt). It is an essential nutrient but can be harmful when you consume too much of it. It is especially important that people with a heart condition, like heart failure or high blood pressure, …

Setting goals for a healthier you

Healthy change takes commitment and time. Benefits of healthy choices don’t happen overnight, and sometimes it can be difficult to make smart choices. Setting goals is the most efficient way to reach a healthy lifestyle, and how you frame those …

9 Ways to Dial Down Your Stress

It’s not healthy for you to be stressed all the time. Too much stress has been associated with headaches, muscle pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression and unwanted weight gain or loss. When we are too stressed, our body releases hormones to …

10 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Everyone enjoys getting a good night’s sleep. It’s rest after a long day, a cozy space to dream and a fresh start for your next morning. Beyond how it makes you feel, quality sleep is important for your health. Why …

The Potential Health Benefits of Clean Eating

Feeling a bit bogged down recently after overindulging on certain foods? One way to begin a healthier fresh start is by clean eating — a focus on eating wholesome foods, in their most natural state. Clean eating simply means eating …

Heart Health

Let’s talk about caring for your heart Caring for your heart can be a big step forward for your health. Knowing what heart disease is and how it works may help you on your way. Because it may be possible …

Why Preventive Care Is Important

What does preventive care mean? Preventive care is routine health care that’s meant to help you stay healthy. When you schedule regular appointments and screenings, it can help you manage and maintain your health.  Preventive care is generally focused on the …

Count the Kicks

How and why it’s important to track your baby’s movements in the third trimester of pregnancy. Have you heard of Count the Kicks? It’s an evidence-based public health campaign that teaches expectant parents the method for and importance of tracking …

Easing the Ache: Prevent Low Back Pain Before It Flares Up

Stop putting up with chronic back pain. Get tips to keep your spine healthy and strong. Sometimes it can be difficult for doctors to pinpoint the exact cause of ongoing back pain. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to …

Five Common Fears About Colonoscopies

Should you worry? Each year, 50,000 Americans die from colon cancer, which starts in the large intestine or rectum. But if the cancer was detected early on, many of those lives could have been saved.  That’s why, according to the …

2nd.MD: Help with Healthcare Decisions and Treatment Options at Your Fingertips

When you’re faced with a critical healthcare decision and are not sure what treatment option(s) may be best, 2nd.MD can connect you with board-certified, leading doctors from top medical institutions for a medical second opinion consultation from the comfort of …

Getting Exercise Is Easier Than You Think

Get up and go to get fit How much exercise do you need for good health? The good news is you don’t have to be a nonstop fitness fanatic. Just 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most weekdays may provide …

Understanding Substance Use Disorder

Recognize the signs and get help. How Do I Recognize Unhealthy Substance Use? It can be hard to recognize signs of substance use. After all, you might not think twice about some of the subtle signs that appear to be …