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Five Common Fears About Colonoscopies

Should you worry?

Each year, 50,000 Americans die from colon cancer, which starts in the large intestine or rectum. But if the cancer was detected early on, many of those lives could have been saved. 

That’s why, according to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, you should get regular exams starting at age 45.

For people under 45, the rules are different. You should get screened if you or your parents, brothers or sisters have had:

  • Polyps
  • Colon cancer, or 
  • Certain other kinds of cancers

“Let’s put things in perspective. We do almost 20 million colonoscopies every year in the U.S.,” says Joshua Jacobs, MD, National Medical Director at Optum Care. “Problems occur less than 1% of the time. On the other hand, colorectal cancer is the second largest cause of cancer deaths. For most people, screening is the safer choice by a long shot.”

Five Common Fears You Can Put Behind You

  1. “It sounds scary.” A colonoscopy is very safe. As Dr. Jacobs notes, problems happen less than 1% of the time. It’s rare, but you can bleed or have a tear in the intestine. Or you might experience side effects from the medication. Once in a while, the doctor won’t be able to see everything clearly.
  2. “I’m afraid it will hurt.” It isn’t painful. The doctor will put some gas in your colon to make it easier to examine your colon, so you might feel a little bloating or discomfort. Almost everyone gets medication to make them more comfortable. You may not remember the exam at all. For most people, the whole screening takes less than an hour.
  3. “My friends say the prep is the worst part.” You need to use a colon “prep” to clean out your colon the day before the exam. It could be pills or a liquid. Your doctor will give you a prescription for it as well as a list of foods to stay away from for a few days (e.g. vegetables with a lot of fiber). No one enjoys spending extra time in the bathroom, but the prep is critically important. The doctor needs to get a clear look inside your intestines. You don’t want the doctor to miss a growth or have to repeat the exam.
  4. “I’m worried about what they’ll find.” During the exam, your doctor may find a polyp. A polyp is a small growth on the lining of your colon that may become cancerous. Most polyps can be removed during the colonoscopy. And if you need surgery to remove cancer. The good news is that many surgeries can be done in a minimally invasive way. 
  5. “If they find something, there’s nothing they can do.” Colon and rectal cancer can be cured when found early. But only 4 out of 10 colorectal cancers are found early because people don’t get their exams, so it makes sense to be as proactive as possible.

A Colonoscopy Can Save Your Life

Preventive colorectal cancer screenings are recommended for men and women, ages 45 to 75, and are covered 100% when you see a network provider. Don’t delay in scheduling your exam. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions. The more you know about the exam, the more comfortable you’ll feel. Here are three ways to find a doctor and schedule preventive screenings:

  1. Download the UnitedHealthcare® app and tap Find Medical Care
  2. Sign in at® and use the Find a Doctor tool
  3. Call myHEALTH at 1-888-JDEERE1 (1-888-533-3731) to speak with a healthcare advocate

Article Sources:

  • American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery
  • U.S. Preventive Services Task Force 

The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional health care. You should consult an appropriate health care professional for your specific needs.

Article originally published on Five Common Fears About Colonoscopies. Accessed October 1, 2021.